Glossary N

Naked Call or Put

Refers to a short option position that doesn't have an offsetting stock position. For example, a client has a naked call if they sell a call without being long the quantity of stock represented by their short call or a long another call against it. They have a naked put if they sell a put without being short the quantity of stock represented by their short put or long another put against it. Compare to covered call or put.

Net Change

The change in the price of a stock or option from the closing price of the previous day.

Net Position

The difference between a client's open long and open short positions in any one stock or option.

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Founded in 1792, it is the oldest and largest stock exchange in the United States. 

Nominal Owner

The role of a brokerage firm when client securities are held in street name.

Non-Marginable Security

Security that must be paid for in full. Call and put option contracts are examples of this type of security.

Not Held Order

An order that gives the floor broker discretion on time and price in getting the best possible fill for a client. When entering a not held order, a client agrees to not hold the broker responsible if the best price is not obtained.