Phase Scores

Phase Scores is a thinkorswim gadget that provides you with an outline of fundamental and technical data points broken into several categories. In addition to viewing data, you can analyze it by assigning up and down arrows to each point based on your personal criteria. Like all other gadgets, Phase Scores can be displayed as a section of the left sidebar or a separate window (see the Left Sidebar article for details).

How to use Phase Scores:

1. Choose the desirable stock symbol in the symbol selector. Next to the symbol selector, you will see the symbol description, its current market price, and the absolute/percentage price change since midnight.

Consider linking Phase Scores to a watch list using the color-coded clipboard available from the  'clip icon' menu. If linked together, clicking through the watchlist will immediately display the corresponding symbols in Phase Scores. More information on color linking in watchlists: here.

2. By default, Phase Scores data points are broken into two large groups: Company’s Growth and Income. You can switch between these groups by clicking on the Group area in the gadget header.

Company’s Growth contains the following categories:

  • Growth Phase 1:  A set of fundamental metrics.
  • Growth Phase 2: The Price Pattern metric. This metric rates the current trend strength on the scale from 0 to 4.
  • Stock Highlights: A set of essential stock data points.

The Income group has only one category by default: Income Phase 1. This category contains a set of fundamental metrics related to income.

3. You can create your own groups. To do so, click on the Group area and choose Create group… in the menu. Enter the name of the group. Add categories you would like to see in it by clicking on the 'plus' button. Name each category and assign data points to it by clicking on the small gear at the end of the category row. Click Save.

You can rename or remove your personal groups and categories in the same menu. Default groups and categories cannot be renamed or removed.

You can also clone your personal and default groups by clicking Save as... and saving them under different names.

4. When you’ve chosen a group, you can customize data points in each of its categories. To do so, click on the gear at the end of the category row. In the left-hand half of the dialog window, find the data point you would like to add, select it and click on the  'add' icon. Virtually all watchlist columns are available in the dialog and can be used as data points.

To remove a data point, select it in the right-hand half of the dialog window and click on the 'remove' icon. To move a data point within the category, select it in the right-hand path and use the Move Up/Down buttons till the data point is in the desirable location. Click Save.

You can customize both personal and default groups. If you made changes in a default group and wish to reset that group to factory defaults, go to the Groups menu and navigate to Edit  -> <group name>. Click Restore

5. Now you are ready to set the criteria for interpretation of each of the data points in the gadget. Click on the small 'action menu' icon at the end of the data point row you would like to set criteria for.

Choose Edit datapoint… In the dialog window, you can set conditions, meeting which will display an up or down arrow in the gadget. Add conditions for up arrows in the left-hand half of the dialog and for down arrows, in the right-hand half.

Depending on which conditions you add, the arrows will be shown when the corresponding data point is above or below the chosen value or falls into the specified interval. If you add several conditions, the arrow will be shown if any of these are met. To disable an arrow, de-activate the corresponding Enabled checkbox. Click Save.

Note that you can set these conditions in the category customization dialog (see step 4). To do so, click on the small gear at the end of the data point row in the Current data points section. 

6. To highlight a data point in the gadget, click on the small 'action menu' icon at the end of its row and choose Mark row.


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