Gann Fans


For illustrative purposes only, not a recommendation.

The Gann Fans drawing contains a set of lines that are plotted from a single start point and resemble a fan, hence the name. Each line that constitutes the Gann Fans drawing is based on a defined ratio formed via numerator representing time units and denominator representing price units: this ratio defines the slope (or the angle) of the line. The trendline defines what are one unit of time and one unit of price for the drawing and therefore coincides with the 1:1 ratio line.

To add the Gann Fans drawing to chart, select it from the Active Tool menu. Specify begin and end points of the trendline; other default ratio lines will be added automatically. Note that you can modify the ratio for any line using the drawing properties.



  • Visible. Set this property to "No" to hide the Gann Fans.

Begin point:

  • Value. Defines the price value corresponding to the begin point of the trendline.
  • Date/Time. Defines the time scale value corresponding to the begin point of the trendline.

End point:

  • Value. Defines the price value corresponding to the end point of the trendline.
  • Date/Time. Defines the time scale value corresponding to the end point of the trendline.

Ratio curve properties:

This section allows you to add extra Ratio lines to the Gann fans.

  • Visible. Defines which of the extra lines should be visible.
  • Numerator. Defines the Numerator of ratio line.
  • Denominator. Defines the Denominator of the ratio line.
  • Color. Defines the color of the line.
  • Style. Defines whether the line should be plotted as solid, long-dashed, or short-dashed.
  • Width. Defines the line width in pixels.