
The Fundamentals page contains tools for fundamental analysis of stocks, futures, and ETFs. To access this page, navigate to the Analysis tab, and choose the Fundamentals subtab.  

Here is how you can use the Fundamentals page:

1. Type in the desired stock, futures, or ETF symbol into the symbol selector.

2. If you are unsure which symbol you would like to analyze, you may use the index that appears when the symbol selector box is empty. The index is essentially a list of 13 larger categories that contain multiple subcategories. Click on the desired category to see the complete list of symbols that fall into this sub-category. Clicking on a symbol will load that symbol into the symbol selector.

3. Based on the type of security the symbol relates to, the page will be populated with the corresponding fundamental data.


When you select a stock symbol, the following sections will appear for that symbol: Overview, Company profile, By the numbers, Company details, and What drives the stock.

1. In the Overview section, you will find:

  • Symbol card that contains the symbol, the full name of the company and the economic sector it corresponds to, its current market price, and the absolute and percentage price change since midnight.
  • Trade buttons that allow you to buy and sell the selected stock directly from the Fundamentals page. You will see the current best bid and ask prices next to the corresponding button.
  • Price graph that shows a simplified line chart for the selected symbol.
  • Recommendations from the global analytical teams. You can download full reports on the analytical teams by clicking on the Download link. In addition, you can set an alert on changes in the recommendations from any of the teams. To do so, click on the bell icon next to the Download link, specify which teams’ reports you would like to be notified of, select the desired symbol or watchlist, and set up the alert parameters. Click Create.

2. The Company profile, Company details, and What drives the stock sections display the Company profile data. For more information on the Company profile, refer to this page.

3. The By the numbers section displays financial statement metrics of publicly quoted companies. These metrics are based on either annual or quarterly data. To switch between the annual and quarterly modes, use the buttons above the table.


When you select a futures symbol, the following sections will appear for that symbol: Overview and Contract profile.

1. In the Overview section, you will find:

  • Symbol card that contains the symbol, its current market price, and the absolute and percentage price change since midnight. Below it, you will see the most recent open, close, high, low, and volume values.
  • Trade buttons that allow you to buy and sell the selected futures directly from the Fundamentals page. You will see the current best bid and ask prices next to the corresponding button.
  • Price graph that shows a simplified line chart for the selected symbol.
  • Specification of the chosen symbol and the trading hours applicable to it.

2. In the Contract profile section, you will see each contract in the series along with its parameters. If you switch to the Options mode using the button above the table, you will see the specifications of the options related to the selected futures symbol.  


When you select an ETF symbol, the following sections will appear for that symbol: Overview and Fund Weighting.

1. In the Overview section, you will find:

  • Symbol card that contains the symbol, its current market price, and the absolute and percentage price change since midnight. Below it, you will see the most recent open, close, high, low, and volume values.
  • Trade buttons that allow you to buy and sell the selected ETF directly from the Fundamentals page. You will see the current best bid and ask prices next to the corresponding button.
  • Price graph that shows a simplified line chart for the selected symbol.
  • Specification of the chosen ETF.

2. In the Fund Weighting section, you will see the fund breakdown by industry on the left and the list of holdings on the right. By default, the industries are shown collapsed; you can expand each item by clicking on the tick arrow before its name. Clicking on each industry or sub-industry name will display the holdings in the currently selected fund that fall into that category.

The list of holdings is ordered by weighting, i.e., the share of the holding’s net liquidation value in the total net liquidation value of the fund. You can view the data for each holding in either Table or Pie Chart mode.

  • In the Table mode, you will find the following information: the holding’s weighting, the number of shares in the ETF and their average cost, vendor price per share, P/L open, net liquidation value, location, investment term, and asset group.
  • In the Pie Chart mode, you can find similar information, but in chart pie form. By default, the pie chart shows the weighting of each industry in the fund. Click on a pie chart section to view the share of an industry in the fund.

    Alternatively, you can switch to the Holdings mode by clicking on the Holdings button in the Group by area. The pie chart will then show the weightings of all the holdings currently displayed in the list to the left. To view more holdings in the pie chart, click Show more holdings below the list. Clicking on each holding section in the pie chart will display all the information relevant to that holding below the diagram.

Fundamentals Data Source Changes From 2023:

Data within thinkorswim® has traditionally been sourced from Thomson Reuters. However, as we grow within Charles Schwab®  during 2024 and beyond, we’re moving to ensure every Schwab® service supports the same fundamental data.

Consistency across platforms and services means changing how we, the thinkorswim® team, source our data. Rather than sourcing data directly from Thomson Reuters, we’re moving towards tomorrow and sourcing data from the Charles Schwab® Fundamental Teams.

Most changes to thinkorswim® are concentrated within the Fundamentals page of the Analysis tab. So, if you’re noticing slight changes to Stock Fundamentals while using thinkorswim®, understand that this change is all about increased data consistency.