Appearance Settings are common for all chartings, they include color scheme, parameters related to chart modes and types, and crosshairs shape.
To customize your settings:
1. Make sure you are in the Chart Settings window. For more information on accessing this window, see Preparation Steps.
2. Select the Appearance tab.
3. Select the desired chart mode from the Chart Mode dropdown:
- Standard
- Monkey Bars
- Monkey Bars Expanded
- Seasonality
For detailed information on the available options, see Chart Modes.
Note that all Chart Modes allow you to define your preferred color scheme. To do so:
1. Click the sample color square to the left of the required option.
2. Select any pre-built color from the grid or click More to specify your custom color scheme.
- Use the Swatches tab to select a color from an expanded list of pre-built colors.
- Use HSV, HSL, RCB, and CMYK values to customize your color scheme.
Check the selected color scheme in the Preview area.
Standard Mode
1. Select the desired chart type from the Chart type dropdown. This list provides the following chart types: Bar, Candle, Candle trend, Heikin Ashi, Line, Area, and Equivolume.
Note that you can change chart type using the Style menu. For more information, see Customizing Style Menu.
2. Select the desired appearance settings for the chart elements:
- Bar and Line. Customize Up tick, Down tick, and Neutral tick color schemes; use the Line width option to set the thickness of the outline.
- Candle, Candle trend and Heikin Ashi. Customize Border up, Border down, Doji, Fill up, and Fill down color schemes; use the Line width option to set the thickness of the outline; set wick visibility with Show wicks.
- Area. Customize color for Area fill.
- Equivolume. Customize Up tick, Down tick, and Neutral tick color schemes; set close price visibility with Close price level.
Note that increasing Line width may affect the precision of the data displayed while using certain zoom levels.
Monkey Bars Mode
1. Use the Row height dropdown to select the preferred row height:
- Automatic. Splits the trading range of the time period into 50 equal intervals.
- Ticksize. Adjusts row height to the tick size of the charted symbol.
- Custom. Enables setting the row height manually.
2. Use the Volume dropdown to customize the Volume Profile histogram:
- All. Adds Volume Profile to each section.
- Last. Adds Volume Profile to the last section.
- None. Turns off Volume Profile.
3. Enable Emphasize first digit to highlight the opening digit of each period; uncheck to remove highlighting.
4. The Monkey Bars section allows you to customize component’s visibility and color scheme:
- Monkey Bar. Enables customization of row visibility and color.
- Playground fill. Enables customization of visibility, color, and trading activity percentage for Playground row fill.
- Open price. Highlights Monkey bars’ open price with a square. Select the color sample to change display color.
- Close price. Highlights Monkey bars’ close price with an arrow. Select the color sample to change display color.
- Initial balance. Customize the color and number of bars (converted to Monkey Bars) to bracket the high-low range.
5. The Volume Profile section allows you to customize display properties for the Volume Profile histogram defined in Volume for:
- Volume color. Enables customization of visibility and default volume fill color.
- Point of Control. Enables customization of visibility and point of control color.
- Value area fill. Enables customization of visibility, color, and percentage fill for Value Area.
Monkey Bars Expanded Mode
1. Use the Row height dropdown to select the preferred row height:
- Automatic. Splits the trading range of the time period into 50 equal intervals.
- Ticksize. Adjusts row height to the tick size of the charted symbol.
- Custom. Enables setting row height manually.
2. Enable Emphasize first digit to highlight the opening digit of each period; uncheck to remove highlighting.
3. The Profile section allows you to customize component’s visibility and color scheme:
- Monkey Bar. Enables customization of row visibility and color.
- Playground fill. Enables customization of visibility, color, and trading activity percentage for Playground row fill.
- Open price. Highlights Monkey bars’ open price with a square. Select the color sample to change display color.
- Close price. Highlights Monkey bars’ close price with an arrow. Select the color sample box to change display color.
Seasonality Mode
1. Use the Display dropdown to define the number of lines shown:
- Yearly. Displays as many yearly lines as specified in the selected time frame (e.g., 5y1D displays five lines).
- Average. Displays a single line, as the average of all yearly lines, for the specified time frame.
- Yearly+Average. Displays all yearly lines and the average line.
2. Use Current Year to customize the color scheme for the current year’s line.
3. Use Average to customize the color scheme for the average line.
4. Use Highlight seasons to highlight each of the four seasons with a different color. Note that each month uses a different shade of the color applied to the respective season.
5. Use Highlight earnings to highlight the 5 days before and after the current year's earnings reports. Note that this option only works for charts with an aggregation of 1 day and if report data is available.
Common Settings
These settings are common to all chart modes.
1. Select the color and desired cursor type from the Cursor dropdown list:
- Cross. Mouse over the chart area to display price and date (or time for intraday charts) bubbles in the corresponding axes.
- Vertical. Mouse over the chart area to display date (or time for intraday charts) bubbles in the time axis.
- Horizontal. Mouse over the chart area to display price bubbles in the price axis.
- None. Plain cursor; doesn’t display price or time information.
You can also set the cursor from the chart window by clicking the Cursor Type icon in the bottom right corner.
2. Select the cursor’s snapping mode using Snap crosshairs to. Available options are:
- None. The cursor is free-floating.
- Open. As you mouse over the chart, it snaps to the nearest open price.
- High. As you mouse over the chart, it snaps to the nearest high price.
- Low. As you mouse over the chart, it snaps to the nearest low price.
- Close. As you mouse over the chart, it snaps to the nearest close price.
- OHLC. As you mouse over the chart, it snaps to whichever price is nearest: open, high, low, or close.
Note that snapping only works with Cross, Vertical, or Horizontal cursor types. If you enable any kind of snapping, the vertical line of the cursor will snap to the bar's centerline.
3. Customize the color of volume bars using Volume bars:
- Use Color as symbol ticks to apply the same color as your bar, line, or candle border.
- Use Preset color to define a custom color for volume bars.
4. Customize chart graph and subgraphs using the Other section:
- Background. Customize background color of the main, volume, and lower subgraphs.
- Grid. Customize visibility and color of the background grid.
Once you finish your customizations:
- Select Apply to see your configurations without exiting the Chart Settings window.
- Select OK to save your configurations and exit the Chart Settings window.
- Select Cancel to discard your configurations and exit the Chart Settings window.
Click the ¥ Restore or Reset to chart default buttons to return to the last applied chart appearance settings. Note that if you override the default settings, the previously saved user settings will be applied.