

AnchoredVWAP is a variation of the VWAP study that uses an anchored date to calculate the volume-weighted average price of a security. By analyzing cumulative VWAP data from the initialization point onward, it validates how a price has evolved and allows to pinpoint specific market events.

AnchoredVWAP uses date annotation to define the study’s starting date. To change it, right-click any timestamp in the chart area or use the built-in date picker.

If you want calculations to reset daily, weekly, or monthly, use the VWAP study.

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
num dev dn The number of deviations defining the distance between AnchoredVWAP and the lower band.
num dev up The number of deviations defining the distance between AnchoredVWAP and the upper band.
begin date The starting date used for the calculations.


Plot Description
VWAP The VWAP plot.
UpperBand The upper band plot.
LowerBand The lower band plot.


*For illustrative purposes only. Not a recommendation of a specific security or investment strategy.

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.