Account Statement

The Account Statement interface provides you with a line-item description of how funds have moved within your account, including:

  • Cash & Sweep Vehicle
  • Futures Cash Balance and Forex Cash Balance
  • Order History
  • Trade History
  • Equities, Options, Futures, and Forex
  • Profits and Losses
  • Forex Account Summary
  • Account Summary

By default, all the data is shown for the last 24 hours. You can specify a custom date range, including a past period of time, in the dropdown next to your account number. Note: The Commissions YTD value is always displayed on a year-to-date basis, no matter what period you select.

You can view the data for a specified symbol only. To do so, use the symbol selector next to the date range selector. You can also link the account statement to a watchlist, so clicking through the watchlist automatically displays the symbols in the statement. To link the account statement to a symbol, click on the 'clip' icon  next to the symbol selector and make sure the watchlist and the account statement have the same color code.

In addition, you can customize and sort the columns in each section:

  • To customize the columns, right-click on a header and choose Customize. In the menu that appears, you can add or remove items by selecting them and clicking the appropriate action button (Add items or Remove items).
  • To re-order the current set of columns, select the item you would like to move in the Current Set pane, then click the Move Up or Move Down buttons. Once your columns are set, click OK to view your customized table.
  • To sort the table by a column, click on its header. An up arrow  will appear, indicating an ascending sort. Clicking again will give the column a descending sort (indicated by a down arrow ). To return to the unsorted state, click again.

Note that you can enable color-coordinated price ticks for some values in section headers, subtotals and totals, and columns (check the tables below for availability). To do so, navigate to Setup > Application Settings... > General > Display and activate the Account statement checkbox in the Show color price ticks area.

Price upticks will be shown in green and price downticks in red. When the price tick coloring is enabled, negative values are displayed with the minus sign; in the uncolored display, parentheses are used to show negative values.

Cash & Sweep Vehicle

The Cash & Sweep Vehicle section contains such information as the account balance at the start of the day, moves in and out of Money Market or Sweep vehicles, and line items summarizing all trades. In addition, you can determine the Fees & Commissions associated with each trade.

To see all the transactions, click on the V-shaped arrow  to the left of the Cash & Sweep Vehicle title. You can also filter the transactions you would like to see. To do so, click on the Transactions dropdown and choose from: Trades, Deposits, Withdrawals, Transfers, Dividends or Interest, and Start of day balances.

Customize the Cash & Sweep Vehicle section with any of the available columns.

Column name Description Color-coordinated price ticks available
Amount Amount available in Cash & Sweep Vehicle. No
Balance Total cash balance in Cash & Sweep Vehicle. No
Commissions & Fees Commissions and fees charged for the transaction. No
Description Balance information for each trading day. No
Exec Time Transaction execution time. No
Misc Fees Other applicable fees. No
Ref # Unique transaction reference number. No
Trade Date Transaction date. No
Type Type of funds available. No

Futures Cash Balance and Forex Cash Balance

The Futures Cash Balance section is displayed below the Cash & Sweep Vehicle section. If you have a forex account, you will see a Forex Cash Balance section as well.

The data in the Futures Cash Balance and Forex Cash Balance sections is similar to that in the Cash & Sweep Vehicle section, however, it is specific to your futures and forex balances.

Customize the Futures Cash Balance section with any of the available columns.

Column name Description Color-coordinated price ticks available
Amount Amount available in the futures account. No
Balance Total cash balance in the futures account. No
Commissions & Fees Commissions and fees charged for the transaction. No
Description Type of balance available. No
Exec Date Transaction execution date. No
Exec Time Transaction execution time. No
Misc Fees Other applicable fees. No
Ref # Unique transaction reference number. No
Type Order type. No

Customize the Forex Cash Balance section with any of the available columns.

Column name Description Color-coordinated price ticks available
Amount Transaction amount. No
Amount(USD) Transaction amount converted to USD. No
Balance Total cash balance in the forex account. No
Cash Total cash available excluding unsettled or unrealized profits and losses. No
Commissions & Fees Commissions and fees charged for the transaction. No
Currency Currency used in the transaction. No
Description Type of balance available. No
In Conversion Amount being converted from one currency to another. No
Ref # Unique transaction reference number. No
Settlement Date Transaction settlement date. No
Time Transaction date and time. No
Type Order type. No
Unrealized P/L Potential profit or loss from open positions. Yes
Unsettled Transactions not yet settled. Funds that are not yet available for withdrawal or trading. Yes

Order History

The Order History section allows you to view and manage your orders. Here is how you can use it:

  1. Click on the V-shaped arrow  to the left of the title to expand the section. You will see a table with a detailed history of every trade placed in the account.
  2. The columns across the top are Time Placed; Spread; Side (indicating buy or sell order); Quantity involved in the trade; Position Effect (to open or to close a position); Symbol; Expiration (if you are trading a contract); Strike (if your contract is related to a specific strike price, it will be displayed here); Price of the order; Order Type; TIF (Time in Force); and the current Status of the order. However, you can customize the Order History section with any of the available columns.
Column name Description Color-coordinated price ticks available
Details Information about the order. No
Expiration Expiration date, if applicable. No
Notes Custom notes related to the order. No
Opra Trades and quotes information from the Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA). No
Order ID Unique order identifier. No
Position Effect Identifies open and closed positions. No
Price Price of order execution. Identifies limit or market price for limit or market orders, respectively. No
Qty Quantity of assets in the order. No
Sell-Out/Rolling Identifies sell-out or rolling orders. No
Side Identifies buy or sell orders. No
Spread Type of order spread. No
Status Order status (e.g., Filled, Canceled, etc.). No
Strike Strike price of the contract, if applicable. No
Symbol Unique series of characters that represent a financial instrument or exchange. No
TIF Time in Force (TIF) shows how long an order remains active. No
Tax Lot Relief Method Applied tax lot method (e.g., FIFO, LIFO, etc.). No
Time Placed Date and time of the order. No
Type Type of security traded (e.g., Future, Stock, etc.). No
  1. Right-click a position to have the ability to analyze an order or send a similar one.
  2. To quickly view the order ID and summarized description of the order, click the Less fields button on the right side of Order History. If you need to go back to the previous view, simply click the button again to flip back.

Trade History

The Trade History section illustrates very similar information to Order History but with a few key differences:

  • Trade History only displays orders that have been filled.
  • You will see the details of each order as well as how many shares or contracts were filled at a specific time.
  • You will find the price at which your orders were filled and a button to the right that when clicked, will bring up a popup window to View Average Fill Prices.

Customize the Trade History section with any of the available columns. 

Column name Description Color-coordinated price ticks available
Account Code Unique account identifier. No
Account Name Account holder. No
Exec Time Transaction execution date and time. No
Expiration Expiration date, if applicable. No
Net Price Best execution price for the order. No
Opra Trades and quotes information from the Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA). No
Order ID Unique order identifier. No
Order Type Type of order (e.g., Market, Limit, Stop, etc.). No
Position Effect Identifies open and closed positions. No
Price Price of order execution. No
Qty Number of assets in the order. No
Sell-Out Identifies sell-out orders. No
Settlement Date Transaction settlement date. No
Side Identifies buy or sell orders. No
Spread Type of security or asset (Future, Stock, etc.). No
Strike Strike price of the contract, if applicable. No

Unique series of characters that represents a security or index.

Tax Lot Relief Method Applied tax lot method (e.g., FIFO, LIFO, etc.). No
Type Type of security traded (e.g., Future, Stock, etc.). No

Equities, Options, Futures, and Forex

The Equities, Options, and Futures sections all display similar information divided by product types. At the top left of each section, you can see the market value of all of the positions in their respective product type.

The Equities section shows all open stock positions, the trading price for each, and the value for each in the current market.

The Options, Futures, and Forex sections illustrate the same details as the Equities section, but with more line items to describe each individual contract.

In all four sections, you can click on the individual Trade Price or Quantity and find a breakdown of each trade on that particular product. 

Customize the Equities section with any of the available columns.

Column name Description Color-coordinated price ticks available
Account Code Unique account identifier. No
Account Name Account holder. No
Mark Current price of the asset. No
Mark Value Market value of the position calculated as mark price multiplied by the number of assets in the order. No
P/L Day Amount of money made or lost on a position from last night's close to the current mark plus any intra-day profit and loss. Yes
P/L Open Amount of money made or lost on a position since the inception of the trade. Yes
P/L Percent Percentage of money made or lost. Yes
Qty Number of assets in the order. No
Symbol Unique series of characters that represent a financial instrument or exchange. No
Trade Price Buy or sell price of the security. No

Customize the Futures and Options sections with any of the available columns.

Column name Description Color-coordinated price ticks available
Account Code Unique account identifier. No
Account Name Account holder. No
Description Information about the exchange (futures only). No
Expiration Expiration date of the contract. No
Mark Current price of the asset. No
Mark Value Market value of the position calculated as mark price multiplied by the number of contracts in the order. No
P/L Day Amount of money made or lost on a position from last night's close to the current mark plus any intra-day profit and loss. Yes
P/L Open Amount of money made or lost on a position since the inception of the trade. Yes
P/L Percent

Amount of money made or lost since the inception of the trade, as percentage of the execution price.

Qty Number of assets in the order. No
SPC Series of the contract (futures only). No
Strike Strike price of the contract (options only). No
Symbol Unique series of characters that represent a financial instrument or exchange. No
Trade Price Buy or sell price of the security. No
Type Option type (call or put); options only. No

Customize the Forex section with any of the available columns.

Column name Description Color-coordinated price ticks available
Account Code Unique account identifier. No
Account Name Account holder. No
Cost Basis Initial price of the position. No
Description Description of the currency pair. No
FPL Floating profit or loss. No
In Conversion P/L Profit or loss in conversion. No
Margin Amount of money used to open or hold a position. No
Mark Current price of the asset. No
Mark Value Market value of the position calculated as mark price multiplied by the number of assets in the order. No
P/L Open Amount of money made or lost on a position since the inception of the trade. Yes
P/L Percent Percentage of money made or lost. Yes
P/L Year Amount of money made or lost in a particular underlying security in the current calendar year. Yes
Qty Number of assets in the order. No
Rollover P/L Profit or loss used to hold the position. Yes
Settled P/L Settled profit or loss. Yes
Symbol Unique series of characters that represent a financial instrument or exchange. No
Trade Price Price of order execution. No
Unrealized P/L Potential profit or loss from open positions. Yes

Profits and Losses

The Profits and Losses section allows you to view the P/L value for each position. By default, the platform displays the profit or loss for open positions, the percentage on open positions, the Day P/L value, the Year To Date P/L value, the margin requirement, and the current market value.

You can sort this by symbol, symbol group, or overall by clicking on the dropdown in the section header.

Customize the Profits and Losses section with any of the available columns.

Column name Description Color-coordinated price ticks available
Account Code Unique account identifier. No
Account Name Account holder. No
BP Effect Buying Power required to hold the position. No
Delta Change to the price of an option relative to the price of the underlying stock. No
Gamma An approximation of the change in the delta of an option relative to a change in the price of the underlying stock when all other factors are held constant. No
Margin Req Margin required to hold a position. No
Mark Value Market value of the position calculated as mark price multiplied by the number of assets in the order. No
P/L Day Amount of money made or lost on a position from last night's close to the current mark plus any intra-day profit and loss. Yes
P/L Diff Difference of money made or lost based on the specified beginning and end dates. Yes
P/L Open Amount of money made or lost on a position since the inception of the trade. Yes
P/L Percent Percentage of money made or lost. Yes
P/L Year Amount of money made or lost in a particular underlying security in the current calendar year. Yes
Symbol Unique series of characters that represent a financial instrument or exchange. No
Theta An approximation of the decrease in the price of an option over a period of time when all other factors are held constant. No
Vega An approximation of the change in the price of an option relative to a change in the volatility of the underlying stock when all other factors are held constant. No

Forex Account Summary

The Forex Account Summary section is an overview of your entire forex account. The details for this section provide in-depth information on Forex transactions only.

Forex Buying Power Available funds for Forex Trading.
Cash Total cash available in the forex account.
Unrealized P/L Potential profit or loss from open positions.
Floating P/L Floating profit or loss from open positions.
Equity Total account value.
Margin Margin used to hold all positions.
Risk Level Percentage of risk for the current positions.
Commissions YTD Total commissions for the current calendar year.

Account Summary

The Account Summary section provides a quick look at the summation of funds available in your account.

Net Liquidating Value Total funds available if all positions were closed.
Stock Buying Power Funds available to purchase stocks.
Option Buying Power Funds available to purchase options.
Equity Commissions & Fees YTD Total commissions and fees for equities in the current calendar year.
Futures Commissions & Fees YTD Total commissions and fees for futures in the current calendar year.
Total Commissions & Fees YTD Total commissions and fees for the current calendar year.

Hover over the headings in the Buying Power section to view the formula used to calculate the corresponding values. To set an alert on a change in any of the values in this section, click on the desirable Buying Power heading, specify the alert rules, and click Create.

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