Order Rejection Reasons

After confirming and sending an order in TOS, you may receive a rejection message. Below you will find a list of common rejection messages and ways to address them. 

Rejection Message  Please Troubleshoot by Checking:
REJECTED: Your buying power will be below zero ($0.00) if this order is accepted.
  • Check for additional open orders
  • Positions will be left short and uncovered that may increase the maintenance requirements on your positions
  • Recent deposits if you are attempting to trade options and non-marginable securities
  • Overspending the available funds
 REJECTED: These shares are currently non-negotiable
  • Shares May be in Safe Keeping
  • Due to recent transfer
  • DTC settlement
  • For more information please chat or call the Trade Desk at 1-800-672-2098
This order may result in an oversold/overbought position in your account.
  • Check for additional open orders
  • Positions may be left short and uncovered
  • Quantity of sale is greater than your current holdings
  • If you are using the mobile app and you are adding to a position please check to make sure the order isn’t set “to close” when it should be set “to open”
REJECTED: Limit price is too aggressive
  • Limit Price is on the wrong side of the market and too far past the current price and would be filled immediately
  • Change Limit price to appropriately reflect current pricing or if you are attempting to place a stop order for protection please check “order type”
REJECTED: Invalid Price
  • Options under $3.00 need to be input in 5 cent increments, Options over $3.00 need to be input in 10 cent increments
  • Spread trade credits cannot exceed the width of the strikes
REJECTED: order single reject No IPO ADT/AHT. No Print (broken option)
  • IPO’s do not trade in afterhours
  • Please chat or call the Trade Desk 
REJECTED: Unresolved Symbol
  • Market Makers did not accept that symbol and order will need to be re-routed. Please chat or call the Trade Desk
REJECTED: This stock is not available to borrow. If you want us to try to locate it for you, please call our trade desk.
  • This Security may be Hard to Borrow (HTB)
  • This security may be Not available to Borrow (NTB)
  • There may not be liquidity to borrow shares for you. Please chat or call the Trade Desk for assistance locating shares
REJECTED: You will open a prohibited position with BP: Illegal -1 shares
  • Check for additional open orders
  • Sales for securities that are in greater quantity that your current holdings
  • Options may rematch after the trade in question, causing a resulting position that exceeds your option approval level
  • Trade could result in a short position in a cash or IRA account
REJECTED: On this account you cannot open new equity positions.
  • Please chat or call the Trade Desk
REJECTED: You are not allowed to short stock on a cash account.
REJECTED: One or more orders from allocation group were rejected.
  • Check all accounts for buying power to cover new position
  • Check for any uncovered positions related to order in all accounts
  • Parent account must have buying power to sustain entire position if Child accounts buying power becomes deficient
REJECTED: On this account you cannot open new positions
  • If you have questions about this please chat or call the Trade Desk
REJECTED: Cannot cancel order
  • Order may already be filled at the exchange waiting on feedback message from the exchange on status
  • To request a manual order status please chat or call the Trade Desk
REJECTED: You are not allowed to short stock on account with netliq below $2000
  • The minimum net liquidation value must be at least 2,000 in cash or securities to short equity positions
REJECTED: You are not allowed to use margin to buy stock on account with netliq below $2000
  • The minimum net liquidation value must be at least 2,000 in cash or securities to utilize margin
REJECTED: You will exceed your futures position limit by making this trade.
  • Appreciating or funding the account can result in account value exceeding the futures position limit
  • Chat or call the Futures Trade Desk to request an adjustment to the futures position limit at 1-800-672-2098
REJECTED: FUTURE order cannot be validated, because margin is not available. Please call thinkorswim trade desk.
  • This product may be illiquid and missing the ability to use margin
  • Chat or call the Futures Trade Desk to resolve
REJECTED: On this account you cannot open new futures positions.
  • Possible trading restriction or missing paperwork
  • Chat or call the Futures Trade Desk to resolve
REJECTED: No futures trading is allowed on this account
  • This account may not be approved for futures
  • Please chat or call the Futures Trade Desk to discuss adding futures
REJECTED: Please use active month
  • The contract selected may be in a delivery period
  • Contracts in delivery are no longer tradable
  • Re-enter an order for an actively trading contract
REJECTED: Futures options are not allowed on this account
  • This account has not been approved to trade futures options
  • Tier 3 options approval is required to trade options on futures
  • If your account is enabled for full options approval and futures trading, please chat or call the Futures Trade Desk
REJECTED: Futures price is outside price band (Upper band 0.00, lower band 0.00)
  • The order price is too far from the current price of the contract
  • The exchange rejects orders if they are outside a certain price range
REJECTED: No forex trading is allowed on this account
  • This account may not be approved for forex
  • Please chat or call the forex trade desk to discuss adding forex
REJECTED: Your forex buying power will be below zero ($0.00) if this order is accepted
  • Check for additional open orders
  • Overspending the available funds
  • Make sure the funds are available in the futures sub-account
  • Transfers can be done on Schwab website
REJECTED: StatusReason: 75 OrderStatusReason: 49 Text: The trigger price for your non-guaranteed order must be set outside the ‘not between’ values shown.
  • Limit price for the order is within the bid and the ask spread
  • The exchange does not accept these orders
  • Send a market order to fill at the current bid or ask or set a limit outside of the current bid or ask