
Plots visually represent data processed by studies. If a study has multiple plots, each plot will be assigned an individual tab in the study customization dialog. Click through these tabs to customize the study plots. The following settings can be applied to plots: Values. This option defines whether the plot uses numerical or boolean values.

  • Values. This option defines whether the plot uses numerical or boolean values.

  • Draw as. This option defines the painting strategy applied to the plot.

  • Style. This option is available for curve-type plots, transforming a curve line into long dashes, short dashes, or dots.

  • Width. This option sets the plot width, in pixels.

  • Color. This option enables you to apply a certain color to the plot.

  • Show plot. This option defines whether to display or to hide the plot. Use this option for studies with multiple plots so that only necessary plots are displayed.

  • Show bubble. This option defines whether or not to display the last plot value in the bubble.

  • Show title. This option defines whether or not to display the plot values in the Status String above the chart.

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