
Use the checkboxes in the Options area to define how studies and candlestick patterns are displayed on the chart.

  • Show study. This option defines whether to display or hide the study. It might be useful when using multiple studies on a single subgraph, allowing you to switch between sets.
  • Note that you can also hide studies using one of the following options: 
    • Access the Charts area, right-click the study, and select Hide study <name>...
    • Click Studies > Edit Studies. In the Edit Studies and Strategies window, mouse over the item you want to hide, click the eye n icon, and save the changes. To unhide the item, click the eye o icon again and save. 
  • Show plot names. Activating this option will display plot names along with plot values in the status string.
  • Show input names. Activating this option will add input names along with their respective values to the status string.
  • Left Axis. Activating this option will turn on measuring study values on an independent scale, which will be displayed to the left of the chart. To view the left axis, activate it on the Price Axis Settings tab. Note that the left axis is only available for one technical indicator at a time.
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